
Watch: Trump Brutally Mocks Joe Biden in Hilarious ‘Keeps Falling’ Music Video

Biden’s stumbling and bumbling highlighted in parody music video of Tom Petty’s «Free Falling.»

Former President Donald Trump eviscerated Joe Biden’s obviously cognitive decline in a hilarious parody music video of Tom Petty’s hit song “Free Falling.”

Trump posted the “Keeps Falling” video Friday on Truth Social, which features Biden collapsing on stage, stumbling up the steps of Air Force One and aimlessly wandering around.

The viral video was created by comedian and Fox News Saturday Night host Jimmy Failla, from his album “The More You Joe.”

The song lyrics are as follows:

He’s an old guy

has dementia,

can’t lead us.

And the country is screwed.

Tells some big lies,

barely speaks English,

sniffs children,

and their mom’s hair, too,

Goes the wrong way.

When he leaves his speeches,

Gets lost each day.

In the White House yard,

All the Dems say

that we should reelect him.

How can he win?

When walking is hard?

And Joe Keeps, (keeps falling yeah he keeps falling)

Keeps falling (keeps falling yeah he keeps falling)

And Joe keeps (keeps falling yeah he keeps falling)

Keeps falling (keeps falling yeah he keeps falling)

Biden has tripped, stumbled and fallen numerous times during his term, including on the steps of Air Force One, at the Air Force Academy Commencement, and even while riding his bike in Delaware.