
Tragic Warning: Woman Cares For Vaxx-Injured Father Who Called Her Conspiracy Theorist For Refusing Jab

‘I’m grateful he’s alive every day. He beat Pfizer. And, now I’m going to make sure other people survive,’ says woman.

A Canadian woman’s message is going viral online after she posted a video of her vaccine-injured father along with a chilling warning to others.

“Wanna know what happens when people wanna tell you you have a tinfoil hat and everything else? This happens,” she said, pointing the camera to her wheelchair-ridden father.

“This man told me I had a tinfoil hat. Guess what? I’m looking after his ass now. I’m grateful he’s alive every day. He beat Pfizer. And, now I’m going to make sure other people survive because of Pfizer and I’m going to hold this Canadian government accountable…”

She added, “The pissed-off parents are coming, the pissed-off people are coming, and there’s no way the WHO his getting into Canada. You can mark my words, the people will rise. I’m done with this bullshit, are you?”

“The Lethal injections were tested on lab rats in secret. Big Pharma knew the shots would cause massive disease and death. In October of 2020 the FDA release a list of probable adverse reactions that predicted all the hell that followed,” wrote Alex Jones in response to the viral video.