
Police Chief Sounds Alarm After Felon, Charged with 105 Crimes, Now Charged with Kidnapping, Raping Female Amazon Driver

‘We’re sounding the alarm…Over and over and over again, just the same people being rearrested, charged with violent crime,’ declared Nashville police chief.

A convicted felon who’s been charged with over 100 offenses in Nashville, Tennessee, is again behind bars — this time for kidnapping and raping an Amazon delivery woman.

According to police, Carl Jerome Hamilton, 34, last week attacked the victim as she delivered packages, pushing her into a mailroom where he sexually assaulted her.

WKRN reports:

The 25-year-old victim was delivering packages to the building at around 4 a.m. Friday, April 26, when Hamilton allegedly pushed her further into the mailroom and shut the door. He then demanded she remove her clothing and sexually assaulted her before forcing her to come with him to her delivery vehicle and drive to an ATM on Murfreesboro Pike, where he used her debit card to withdraw $100, according to investigators.

Hamilton then reportedly drove the victim around for nearly an hour before eventually leaving her and her car.

Hamilton, who’s charged with aggravated rape, aggravated kidnapping, and robbery, had previously been charged with over 90 crimes in the past 14 years, and was recently sentenced to six years in prison following a conviction on kidnapping and robbery in 2020 after he sexually assaulted a 24-year-old woman.

According to, “He eventually pleaded guilty to all charges, but only had to serve 30% of his six-year sentence. He was released in October.”

The latest Amazon driver rape case has sparked a firestorm of backlash against Tennessee’s crime policies, with accusations the broken soft-on-crime system is recycling criminals back into communities.

“We’re sounding the alarm,” declared Nashville Police Chief John Drake on Monday. “Over and over and over again, just the same people being rearrested, charged with violent crime.”

“Mr. Hamilton, he has over 105 charges throughout his lifetime,” Drake told the media.

“Time and time again, how this continues to happen and then not to think the community begins to feel unsafe, because they continue to let these people do harm over and over, but the men and women of the police department also get discouraged because they keep re-arrested these same people,” he said.

“It’s frustrating to me when you hear someone that committed a murder in 2020, and then 2021 they are committing another murder, and you’re like, ‘How does that happen?’ And then in 2024, they commit aggravated assault where they shoot someone, and you’re like, ‘How did that happen?’ And it’s time for the community, it’s time for all of us in Nashville to start saying, Enough is enough,’” Drake added.

Hamilton’s crime spree reflects a microcosm of the wider issues unfolding in Tennessee as Democrats promote bail reform for the poor and mentally ill, while repeat violent felons continue to be reintroduced into society in the name of social justice.